Written by Helen Clayton, Founder of Baa Baby Sheepskin
First things first, what exactly is a solid back?
Most prams have a gap between the seat and canopy/hood where you can hang a footmuff flap.
However, some modern prams, like the Baby Jogger City Mini, have a solid back. This means the seat and hood are connected, and there’s no gap for a footmuff flap to hang over.
If your pram has a solid back, finding the right footmuff can be tricky - but don’t worry, there are still options!
Most sheepskin pram footmuffs are secured with a flap or clip that goes over the back of the pram to stop the footmuff from slipping. But on a solid back pram, this flap won’t work, and some footmuffs with plastic clasps might even rest uncomfortably behind your child’s head.
What are my footmuff options if my pram has a solid back?
Don't worry if you have a footmuff with a solid back. The flap that hooks over the back of the seat is completely optional. It is simply there to help prevent slippage particularly when putting your child in and out of the pram. The footmuff will function and hold in place safely without the aid of this flap
All sheepskin footmuffs are actually secured by the harness openings so as long as you select a footmuff that fits your harness correctly you won't have a problem. If you need any advice about the type of harness your pram has and the footmuff that you will need please don't hesitate to contact us via our online chat.
A great tip for ensuring that your pram footmuff does not slip is to make sure that the harness straps are at the correct height for your little one. This this will go a long way towards preventing slippage with the footmuff and ensure your child is comfortable in the pram.
At Baa Baby we also offer a specific footmuff with features that specifically prevent slippage
Our Luxe model has been manufactured with 'seat shaping'. As you can see from the image below, the footmuff isn't simply flat when it is laid down, it has a seat or 'bottom' area sewn in. This ensures the footmuff hugs the frame and sits really well in your pram and of course prevents slippage especially when you are taking your child in and out of the pram.

Can’t decide or you need more help?
We understand that all prams (and all parents!) are completely different and we are more than happy to provide personalised advice to customers. If we can help you in any other way, don’t hesitate to drop us an email at baa@baababy.co.uk or just use our web chat.
♡ Further Reading: Steps on How to Fit a Footmuff to a Pram